This project aims to generate revenue through the sale of green coffee beans and the sale of artisanal craft house blends.

Our founder, Firman had procured a sample of green coffee beans from Brazil and conducted market research through the help of his advisor. During his Foundational SCA Course, Firman had learnt that within almost coffeeshop’s blend, it has to include a Brazil variety coffeebean because Brazillian coffee beans are staples within every blends. Therefore, he understood that there is demand for Brazillian beans within the green coffee market.
Upon further research, Firman found out that the average price of green coffee beans, with an average score of 82, is priced at HKD65 per kilogram. When purchased in tonnes, the price per kilogram is HKD 60. Firman is confident that the distribution of green coffee beans from Brazil would yield him at least 33% gross margin in wholesale quantities.

Firman plans to sell these beans via online shop and through the coffee roasting groups in Hong Kong. Delivery will be done through Gogovan, with a minimum order amount for free delivery.
Firman plans to develop his Firman’s own artisanal craft house blends through his import of Brazillian green beans in the future. After the distribution of Brazillian greens mature in Hong Kong, he will develop other coffee products such as drip bags, cold brew and house blends for the retail market. Firman had started experimenting with cupping various types of coffee beans and conducting research on beans suitable for the Hong Kong market.
With a new line of products and a fixed distribution line, Firman will look to expand into the South East Asian market.